Friday, July 29, 2011

Three good things and a fuss

Good thing #1: In a stunning leap of faith that Fall will actually occur, we planted pumpkins in our extra planter box. Joey has been obsessed with pumpkins for several months around Halloween for the last couple of years. We're very excited to see if we can grow our own!

Good thing #2: I think I survived my qualifying exams. Two of my committee members asked me to TA their class so I guess that means that I probably will be making it through to the next phase of the program and I didn't make too big of a fool of myself. I find out officially next week.

Good thing #3: We are on the downward run for the summer heat! Chuck says this is overly optimistic, but I figure it is hot May, June, July, August, and September. So we've made it through three of five months. That's good right!

The fuss: We have a loud chicken. She's an Egyptian Fayoumi. And she is a fussy lady. She crows all morning and all evening. Not so great for an urban chicken. We got all lady chickens in the hope that they would be quiet and not enrage the neighbors. So far the neighbors are not saying a word but they are too nice. She might be finding a new family with the egg lady from the Farmer's Market.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

From the Trenches

Dear UT SPH Library,

I understand that you, as a library, are not trying to make my life miserable. That the fight you appear to be having with the remote server I have to use to log in is probably not personal. I'm sure the server has done you wrong and deserves the silent treatment you have been giving each other all day.

But I am now on day 6 of a 9 day test that has been taking 16 hours a day. I am going to freak out and drive to Houston to get this fixed if you and the server don't make up soon. Or even worse actually have to figure out the UTHSCSA library system. That place is over run with first year med students. They are not my people and make me nervous. Please find a more mature way to deal with your issue and start talking.

Your friendly regional campus grad student.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bona Fide

I take my qualifying exams starting tomorrow. Basically, anything I've learned in 4 years of grad school is up for examination. I'm nervous.

But I keep thinking of that scene from "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" where the guy keeps being described as "bonafied". If I pass, I'll be bonafied to start my dissertation. Whoo hoo! 
We've had a fun and busy summer. We spent the 4th at the Ranch and Joey had a blast. Then we went to Christina's wedding. Super fun and I got to play with my high school/college friends. We've made Christina an honorary Charger since all her bridesmaids graduated from Churchill.

We also have become evangelical about drip irrigation. Our garden looks incredibly lush with very little water and much less work. We'll be back to this space more often this Fall. I'm getting through the very hard press of my schoolwork and starting a fellowship in the Fall that will give me some breathing space. Plus Joey starts school in the Fall with Chuck and we have to take dozens of pictures of how cute he'll be in his little uniform!

The river almost runs dry

Fishing with Grandpa and Daddy

Ice Cream for Breakfast

Joeys loves "America's Birthday"

And he loves his flag
Alisha looks awesome with her feathers

Dyan as a robot

Honey as a bouquet monster

Christina arriving

Getting dressed

Katryn looking puurty