Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I heart public radio

I had a not so great day. One where things that were already going to be difficult were made unnecessarily hard and I was greatly disappointed by people I respect. I think I muttered "I'm utterly defeated" more than once today. And I was feeling mopey and a little sorry for myself about a whole host of things in my professional life that are in turmoil. I try to maintain perspective, but sometimes the trees are whacking you in the face so the forest is hard to notice.

And then I heard this story on NPR on the drive home. Pretty much nothing in my life is that difficult or sad or profound. (Related - I swear that Story Corp exists just to make me cry. Every single Friday morning, the Story Corp segment makes me cry! For 5+ years! I'm a sap.) So that's why we're members of KSTX and have been members of every NPR station in the three cities we've lived in together.

Tomorrow will be better. And even if it's not, Talk of the Nation is going to be live from San Antonio. The little radio junkie in me is very excited.

1 comment:

  1. I like you little radio junkie! Don't be too sad.
