Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tales from the Coop: Meet the Ladies: Houdini

Okay,  so I am going to try posting about each chicken again.

Houdini is our problem chicken.  She is the first to run out of an open door, and she can hop a six foot fence.  That is a big enough jump/fly to get into a lot of trouble.  She can hop into the alley or get a little too close to the doggies.  Because of her escape artistry, we have had to confine the chickens to the mobile coop.  On Tuesday, I plan on creating a completely enclosed 12x12 run.

We are not exactly sure what type of chicken Houdini is, but I hope she is an Easter Egger, or cross-bred Araucuna.  Araucuna hens lay green tinted eggs and I hope that at least one of our ladies will do the same.

1 comment:

  1. There's a bad joke using 'eggscape artist' in there, I know it.
