Thursday, January 19, 2012

Where we've been

Clearly, we are bad bloggers. We still do all the things – the chickens and bread and canning and knitting; we just never take the time to write about them.

I have always wished that I could keep a journal. Some of the people I admire the most were avid journalers. But after years of starting and then never maintaining journals, I know that is not me. I write technical reports and papers all day. But I am not a writer. And though I try to take pictures for Joey, I’m not a photographer. I’m a reader.  I’m a doer, but I don’t document well. Neither does Chuck.

I think Chuck and I are very lucky in how well we suit one another. We met each other so early in our (barely) adult lives that we’ve become adults together. Some people grow apart, but we seem to grow more alike.  But that means that sometimes we are happy in our ways and leave aside things that we would both like to do theoretically, but neither of us really wants to take on.

I would promise that we’ll keep this up again, but I know that we have other priorities. So if you are curious about the chickens or our gardening or what we are reading to Joey (Roald Dahl – he is so into it!), give us a call or come over for dinner. I’m not on Facebook which seems to mean that I miss out on 75% of announcements from folks and people miss out on my announcements (I passed my quals, got my dissertation project funded, have a new job, and some other stuff!). But if you’re bothering to read this blog, I’d rather see you in person or hear from you on the phone. I’m old fashioned that way.

1 comment:

  1. We'll see you on Friday. I still like your blog.
