I don't like chard. Or, at least I didn't until we found this recipe.Every time I would try to cook it, the end result tasted muddy. This is super fast and simple and very tasty.
- 1 large bunch chard (we used rainbow, but we've used other kinds)
-1/2 large white onion
-crushed red pepper
-1/2 c. broth
- 2 garlic cloves

Slice onion thin and sautee in a large pan on medium high heat. While the onion is cooking, cut out the ribs of the chard and set the leaves aside. Chop 1/2 the ribs thinly and add to the onion mixture. Cook until onion and chard ribs are soft.
Add 1 - 2 Tablespoons crushed red pepper. Grate the garlic into the pan. Stir in to combine and let cook for 2 - 3 minutes or until you can smell the red pepper.
Add the chard leaves and briefly sautee until they begin to shrink down. Add the broth and 2 heaping scoops of a whole grain mustard. We used a locally made mustard that is super tasty! Let cook a few more minutes until all the chard is wilted. Serve piping hot or cold over noodles.
And this was our dinner for the night while watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. If there is ever a show to make you think about dinner, that's it. We also had leftover roasted garbanzo beans with tomatoes and spinach from the farm share.
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