The farmer market on Saturday was also packed with beautiful produce.
This week in our CSA we received: Cauliflower, Broccoli, Garlic Chives, Spinach, and a HUGE head of bok choy.
In other sadder news, one of our top hat chicks died last night. She was looking pretty pathetic yesterday. We tried reviving her with sugar water and a paste of the chick food. She perked up for while, but didn't make it through the night. One of her sister top hat chicks died last night with
Broccoli and Garlic Chives Soba Noodle Saute
Make 4 servings
8 ounces soba noodles
Boil a large pot of water and through the soba noodles in. Cook for 5 minutes or according to the package directions. Rinse quickly under cool water in a colander.
1ish pound of broccoli cut into small pieces
1 large bunch of garlic chives or 2 bunches of green onions
3 carrots
2 garlic cloves
thumb sized piece of ginger
Chop the broccoli tiny and the chives in large chunks. Grate the carrot or slice it very very thinly. Grate the ginger and garlic on a large hole microplane zester or mince. Heat a skillet with a tiny bit of oil until very hot and dump all the ingredient into the pan. Stir fry very briefly until the broccoli is bright green and the carrot is soft.
1/4 c tamari or soy sauce
1/4 c brown rice vinegar
2 T sugar
3 T toasted sesame oil
1-2 big squirts of Siracha
1/2 c water
2 T cornstarch
Combine all the ingredients except the cornstarch in a small bowl. Combine the cornstarch and 4 T of the liquid mixture in another small bowl to make a smooth paste. Wisk the paste into the rest of the liquid mixture. After the broccoli is cooked, pour the liquid mixture in and cook briefly until the mixture thickens and the cornstarch is no longer opaque. Add in the noodles, take off the heat and toss to combine.
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