Sunday, December 19, 2010

Oh the weather outside is frightful

If only because it's bouncing between 40 and 80. This holiday season is going to rock. Joey is at a hilarious age and is enjoying singing and making cookies and wrapping presents. We decorated gingerbread houses last week and he gives everyone who visits a tour of the gingerbread house. Fun time. 

We are making more than half of the presents we're giving this year. It would be more, but we realize that not everyone is excited about homemade presents. The volume of flour, sugar, butter, and chocolate we are going through is a little frightening, but it's usually exiting the house as soon as it's made and not sticking around to stick to us.

So far, I've made and gifted peppermint bark and anise seed biscotti for my office. I also made rice bags wrapped with a lavender lotion bar from Imagine Lavender Farms, this hat, and this hat for some friends. None of which I bothered to document with pictures. Ah well.

There is much elving afoot but since the only people who read this are probably the recipients of said elving, I'm not revealing anything. We have many bowls of concoctions brewing in the kitchen and many jars filled with yummies sitting on shelves. I'm knitting and sewing late into the night with the company of snoring dogs and a fire. Happy holidays indeed.